Календарик на любой месяц
#target photoshop function Calendar() { var n = new Date(); // script version this.Version = "3.0"; // initial values of the font this.params = new Object(); this.paramsFile = new File(app.preferencesFolder + "/script_params_calendar.txt"); this.LoadParams = function() { var z = true; if (this.paramsFile.open("r")) { while (!this.paramsFile.eof) { var c = "", p = "", v = ""; while (c != "=" && !this.paramsFile.eof) { c = this.paramsFile.read(1); if (c != "=") p += c; } while (c != "\n" && !this.paramsFile.eof) { c = this.paramsFile.read(1); if (c != "\n") v += c; } if (p == "Version") { if (v != this.Version || v == "undefined") { this.paramsFile.close(); this.paramsFile.remove(); z = false; break; } } else { if (v == "null") v = null; else if (v == "true") v = true; else if (v == "false") v = false; this.params[p] = v; } } this.paramsFile.close(); } else z = false; return z; } if (!this.paramsFile.exists || !this.LoadParams()) { this.params = { // as to default FontName: "TimesNewRomanPSMT", FontSize: 50, AntiAlias: "AntiAlias.CRISP", Color0: "000000", Color1: "FF0000", VerticalDirection: true, IncreaseIndent: 1.5 } } // all strings which are used in GUI and the document switch (app.locale.substr(0, 2)) { case "ru": this.str = { Title: "Календарь", Date: "Дата", Month: "Месяц(&M)", Year: "Год(&Y)", Parameters: "Параметры", FontName: "Шрифт(&F)", FontSize: "Размер шрифта(&S)", AntiAliasing: "Сглаживание(&A)", None: "Нет", Sharp: "Острее", Crisp: "Чётче", Strong: "Сильнее", Smooth: "Глаже", Color: "Цвет", Color0: "Будней(&W)", Color1: "Выходных(&D)", Vertical: "Вертикально(&V)", Horizontal: "Горизонтально(&H)", Indent: "Отступ(&I)", Language: "Язык(&L)", Ok: "OK", Cancel: "Отмена", Pixels: "пикселей", Points: "точек", MM: "мм.", IncorrectValue: "Неправильное значение", DaysOfWeek: "Дни недели", Dates: "Числа" } break; default: this.str = { Title: "Calendar", Date: "Date", Month: "&Month", Year: "&Year", Parameters: "Parameters", FontName: "&Font", FontSize: "Font &size", AntiAliasing: "&Antialiasing method", None: "None", Sharp: "Sharp", Crisp: "Crisp", Strong: "Strong", Smooth: "Smooth", Color: "Color", Color0: "&Work days", Color1: "Holi&days", Vertical: "&Vertical", Horizontal: "&Horizontal", Indent: "&Indent", Language: "&Language", Ok: "OK", Cancel: "Cancel", Pixels: "pixels", Points: "points", MM: "mm.", IncorrectValue: "Incorrect Value", DaysOfWeek: "Days of a week", Dates: "Dates" } } // strings which are contents of the document this.str.docLang = [ ["русский", ["Январь", "Февраль", "Март", "Апрель", "Май", "Июнь", "Июль", "Август", "Сентябрь", "Октябрь", "Ноябрь", "Декабрь"], ["пн", "вт", "ср", "чт", "пт", "сб", "вс"] ], ["english", ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], ["mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa", "su"] ], ["deutsch", ["Januar", "Februar", "Marz", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "October", "November", "Dezember"], ["mo", "di", "mi", "do", "fr", "sa", "so"] ], ["francaise", ["Janvier", "Fevrier", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Aout", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "Decembre"], ["lu", "ma", "me", "je", "ve", "sa", "di"] ], ["el espanol", ["Enero de", "Febrero de", "Marzo de", "Abril de", "Mayo de", "Junio de", "Julio de", "Agosto de", "Septiembre de", "Octubre de", "Noviembre de", "Diciembre de"], ["lu", "ma", "mi", "ju", "vi", "sa", "do"] ], ["italiano", ["Gennaio", "Febbraio", "Marzo", "Aprile", "Maggio", "Giugno", "Luglio", "Agosto", "Settembre", "Ottobre", "Novembre", "Dicembre"], ["lu", "ma", "me", "gi", "ve", "sa", "do"] ] ].sort(); // set units of measure switch (app.preferences.typeUnits) { case TypeUnits.MM: app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.MM; var u = this.str.MM; break; case TypeUnits.POINTS: app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.POINTS; var u = this.str.Points; break; default: app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; var u = this.str.Pixels; } // create a script UI with placed parameters values this.dlgMain = new Window("dialog { \ orientation: 'column', alignChildren: 'fill', \ p0: Panel { margins: [10, 15, 10, 10], alignChildren: 'right', text: '" + this.str.Date + "', \ g0: Group { orientation: 'row', spacing: 5, \ l0: StaticText { text: '" + this.str.Month + ":' } \ t0: EditText { preferredSize: [45, 20], text: '" + (1+n.getMonth()) + "' } \ l1: StaticText { text: ' " + this.str.Year + ":' } \ t1: EditText { preferredSize: [45, 20], text: '" + n.getFullYear() + "' } } \ g1: Group { orientation: 'row', spacing: 5, \ l: StaticText { text: '" + this.str.Language + ":' } \ s: DropDownList { preferredSize: [80, 22] } } } \ p1: Panel { margins: [10, 15, 10, 10], alignChildren: 'right', text: '" + this.str.Parameters + "', \ g0: Group { orientation: 'row', spacing: 5, \ l: StaticText { text: '" + this.str.FontName + ":' } \ s: DropDownList { preferredSize: [165, 22] } } \ g1: Group { orientation: 'row', spacing: 5, \ l: StaticText { text: '" + this.str.FontSize + ":' } \ t: EditText { preferredSize: [40, 20], fractionalOpportunity: true, text: '" + this.params.FontSize.toString().replace(/\./g, ',') + "' } \ u: StaticText { text: '" + u + "' } } \ g2: Group { orientation: 'row', spacing: 5, \ l: StaticText { text: '" + this.str.AntiAliasing + ":' } \ s: DropDownList { preferredSize: [80, 22] } } \ g3: Group { orientation: 'row', spacing: 5,\ l: StaticText { text: '" + this.str.Color + ":' } \ b0: Button { preferredSize: [80, 22], text: '" + this.str.Color0 + "', helpTip: '" + this.params.Color0 + "' } \ b1: Button { preferredSize: [80, 22], text: '" + this.str.Color1 + "', helpTip: '" + this.params.Color1 + "' } } \ g4: Group { orientation: 'row', spacing: 5, \ r0: RadioButton { value: " + this.params.VerticalDirection + ", text: '" + this.str.Vertical + "' } \ r1: RadioButton { value: " + !this.params.VerticalDirection + ", text: '" + this.str.Horizontal + "' } } \ g5: Group { orientation: 'row', spacing: 5, \ l: StaticText { text: '" + this.str.Indent + ":' } \ s: Slider { value: " + this.params.IncreaseIndent + ", minvalue: 0.5, maxvalue: 10 } \ t: EditText { preferredSize: [113, 20], fractionalOpportunity: true, text: '" + this.params.IncreaseIndent.toString().replace(/\./g, ',') + "' } } } \ btns: Group { alignment: 'right', margins: [0, 10, 0, 0] } \ }", this.str.Title); var d = this.dlgMain; for (var i = 0; i < this.str.docLang.length; i++) { d.p0.g1.s.add("item", this.str.docLang[i][0]); if (this.str.docLang[i][0] == "русский") d.p0.g1.s.selection = i; } if (d.p0.g1.s.selection == null) d.p0.g1.s.selection = 0; // update font list app.refreshFonts(); for (var i = 0; i < app.fonts.length; i++) { d.p1.g0.s.add("item", app.fonts[i].name); if (app.fonts[i].postScriptName == this.params.FontName) d.p1.g0.s.selection = i; } if (d.p1.g0.s.selection == null) d.p1.g0.s.selection = 0; this.params.FontName = app.fonts[d.p1.g0.s.selection.index].postScriptName; d.p1.g2.s.add("item", this.str.None); d.p1.g2.s.add("item", this.str.Sharp); d.p1.g2.s.add("item", this.str.Crisp); d.p1.g2.s.add("item", this.str.Strong); d.p1.g2.s.add("item", this.str.Smooth); switch (this.params.AntiAlias) { case "AntiAlias.NONE": d.p1.g2.s.selection = 0; this.params.AntiAlias = AntiAlias.NONE; break; case "AntiAlias.SHARP": d.p1.g2.s.selection = 1; this.params.AntiAlias = AntiAlias.SHARP; break; case "AntiAlias.CRISP": d.p1.g2.s.selection = 2; this.params.AntiAlias = AntiAlias.CRISP; break; case "AntiAlias.STRONG": d.p1.g2.s.selection = 3; this.params.AntiAlias = AntiAlias.STRONG; break; case "AntiAlias.SMOOTH": d.p1.g2.s.selection = 4; this.params.AntiAlias = AntiAlias.SMOOTH; break; } d.p1.g5.s.preferredSize.width = 40; d.p1.g5.s.helpTip = (d.p1.g5.s.value < 0) ? "-" : ""; d.p1.g5.s.helpTip += d.p1.g5.s.value.toString().replace(/\./g, ","); d.defaultElement = d.btns.add("button", undefined, this.str.Ok); d.cancelElement = d.btns.add("button", undefined, this.str.Cancel); d.graphics.backgroundColor = d.graphics.newBrush(d.graphics.BrushType.THEME_COLOR, "appDialogBackground"); // descriptions of the event handlers d.p0.g0.t0.addEventListener("keydown", NumericEditKeyboardHandler); d.p0.g0.t1.addEventListener("keydown", NumericEditKeyboardHandler); d.p1.g1.t.addEventListener("keydown", NumericEditKeyboardHandler); d.p1.g5.t.addEventListener("keydown", NumericEditKeyboardHandler); d.p1.g0.s.onChange = function() { gCalendar.params.FontName = app.fonts[this.selection.index].postScriptName; } d.p1.g2.s.onChange = function() { switch (this.selection.index) { case 0: gCalendar.params.AntiAlias = AntiAlias.NONE; break; case 1: gCalendar.params.AntiAlias = AntiAlias.SHARP; break; case 2: gCalendar.params.AntiAlias = AntiAlias.CRISP; break; case 3: gCalendar.params.AntiAlias = AntiAlias.STRONG; break; case 4: gCalendar.params.AntiAlias = AntiAlias.SMOOTH; break; } } d.p1.g3.b0.onClick = function() { app.foregroundColor.rgb.hexValue = gCalendar.params.Color0; if (app.showColorPicker()) gCalendar.params.Color0 = this.helpTip = app.foregroundColor.rgb.hexValue; } d.p1.g3.b1.onClick = function() { app.foregroundColor.rgb.hexValue = gCalendar.params.Color1; if (app.showColorPicker()) gCalendar.params.Color1 = this.helpTip = app.foregroundColor.rgb.hexValue; } d.p1.g4.r0.onClick = function() { gCalendar.params.VerticalDirection = true; } d.p1.g4.r1.onClick = function() { gCalendar.params.VerticalDirection = false; } d.p1.g5.s.onChange = function() { var t = this.value.toString().replace(/\./g, ","); this.helpTip = (this.value < 0) ? "-" : ""; this.helpTip += t; this.parent.t.text = t; gCalendar.params.IncreaseIndent = this.value; } d.p1.g5.t.onChange = function() { var t = parseFloat(this.text.replace(/\,/g, ".")); if (isNaN(t) || t < this.parent.s.minvalue || t > this.parent.s.maxvalue) { d.p1.g5.s.value = t; this.parent.s.helpTip = (t < 0) ? "-" : ""; this.parent.s.helpTip += this.text; gCalendar.params.IncreaseIndent = this.parent.s.value; } } d.defaultElement.onClick = function() { var m = parseInt(d.p0.g0.t0.text), y = parseInt(d.p0.g0.t1.text); gCalendar.params.FontSize = parseFloat(d.p1.g1.t.text.replace(/,/g, ".")); gCalendar.params.IncreaseIndent = parseFloat(d.p1.g5.t.text.replace(/,/g, ".")); if (!isNaN(m) && m > 0 && m < 13) n.setMonth(--m); else { d.p0.g0.t0.active = true; alert(gCalendar.str.IncorrectValue + "."); return; } if (!isNaN(y) && y > 1900 && d.p0.g0.t1.text.length < 5) n.setFullYear(y); else { d.p0.g0.t1.active = true; alert(gCalendar.str.IncorrectValue + "."); return; } if (isNaN(gCalendar.params.FontSize) || gCalendar.params.FontSize <= 0) { d.p1.g1.t.active = true; alert(gCalendar.str.IncorrectValue + "."); return; } if (isNaN(gCalendar.params.IncreaseIndent) || gCalendar.params.IncreaseIndent < d.p1.g5.s.minvalue || gCalendar.params.IncreaseIndent > d.p1.g5.s.maxvalue) { d.p1.g5.t.active = true; alert(gCalendar.str.IncorrectValue + "."); return; } d.close(true); // return 1 if changed values have been checked successfully } d.cancelElement.onClick = function() { d.close(false); // return 0 } // function of processing of the document this.Make = function() { n.setDate(1); n.setHours(12); var x = n.getDay(); if (x == 0) x = 7; var w = 0, h = 0, c = SolidColor; c.rgb.hexValue = this.params.Color0; var doc = app.documents.add(8 * this.params.IncreaseIndent * this.params.FontSize, 8 * this.params.IncreaseIndent * this.params.FontSize, 72, this.str.Title + "_" + (1+n.getMonth()) + "_" + n.getFullYear(), NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.TRANSPARENT); var gr = []; gr[0] = doc.layerSets.add(); gr[0].name = this.str.Title; gr[1] = gr[0].layerSets.add(); gr[1].name = this.str.Dates; gr[2] = gr[0].layerSets.add(); gr[2].name = this.str.DaysOfWeek; var l = doc.artLayers[0]; l.isBackgroundLayer = false; l.move(gr[0], ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING); l.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; with (l.textItem) { position = [doc.width.value / 2, doc.height.value / 8 - doc.height.value / 32]; justification = Justification.CENTER; font = this.params.FontName; size = this.params.FontSize * 1.25; antiAliasMethod = this.params.AntiAlias; color = c; fauxBold = true; contents = this.str.docLang[d.p0.g1.s.selection.index][1][n.getMonth()] + " " + n.getFullYear(); } for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { w = (this.params.VerticalDirection) ? 0 : doc.width.value / 7 * i; h = (this.params.VerticalDirection) ? doc.height.value / 8 * (i + 2) : doc.height.value / 4; l = gr[2].artLayers.add(); l.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; with (l.textItem) { position = [w + doc.width.value / 14, h - doc.height.value / 32]; justification = Justification.CENTER; font = this.params.FontName; size = this.params.FontSize * 0.75; antiAliasMethod = this.params.AntiAlias; c.rgb.hexValue = (i > 4) ? this.params.Color1 : this.params.Color0; color = c; contents = this.str.docLang[d.p0.g1.s.selection.index][2][i]; } } for (var i = 1, p = 2; parseInt(d.p0.g0.t0.text) > n.getMonth(); i++) { w = (this.params.VerticalDirection) ? doc.width.value / 7 * (p - 1) : doc.width.value / 7 * (x + i - 2); h = (this.params.VerticalDirection) ? doc.height.value / 8 * (x + i) : doc.height.value / 8 * (p + 1); l = gr[1].artLayers.add(); l.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; with (l.textItem) { position = [w + doc.width.value / 14, h - doc.height.value / 32]; justification = Justification.CENTER; font = this.params.FontName; size = this.params.FontSize; antiAliasMethod = this.params.AntiAlias; c.rgb.hexValue = (x + i > 6) ? this.params.Color1 : this.params.Color0; color = c; contents = i; } if (x + i > 7) { ++p; x -= 7; } n.setDate(1 + i); } doc.resizeCanvas(doc.width.value + this.params.FontSize, doc.height.value + this.params.FontSize, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); doc.activeLayer = gr[0]; // save parameters in the file if (!this.paramsFile.readonly) { this.paramsFile.encoding = "UTF8"; if (this.paramsFile.open("w", "TEXT", "????")) { this.paramsFile.write("\uFEFF"); this.paramsFile.writeln("Version=" + this.Version); for (var p in this.params) this.paramsFile.writeln(p + "=" + this.params[p]); this.paramsFile.close(); } } } } function NumericEditKeyboardHandler(event) { // keyboard event handler for a numeric input only try { var code = parseInt("0x" + event.keyIdentifier.substr(2)); if (! (KeyIsNumeric(event, code) || KeyIsCommaOrPeriod(event, code) || KeyIsLRArrow(event) || KeyIsDelete(event) || KeyIsTabEnterEscape(event))) event.preventDefault(); } catch(e) {} } function KeyHasModifier(event) { return event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey; } function KeyIsNumeric(event, code) { return code >= 48 && code <= 57 && !KeyHasModifier(event); } function KeyIsCommaOrPeriod(event, code) { return (code == 44 || code == 46) && !KeyHasModifier(event) && event.target.fractionalOpportunity && event.target.text.indexOf(",") == -1 && event.target.text.indexOf(".") == -1; } function KeyIsLRArrow(event) { return (event.keyName == "Left" || event.keyName == "Right") && ! (event.altKey || event.metaKey); } function KeyIsDelete(event) { return (event.keyName == "Backspace" || event.keyName == "Delete") && !event.ctrlKey; } function KeyIsTabEnterEscape(event) { return event.keyName == "Tab" || event.keyName == "Enter" || event.keyName == "Escape"; } try { // keep a some preferences uDialogMode = app.displayDialogs; app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO; uUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits; uForegroundColor = app.foregroundColor.rgb.hexValue; // create global object gCalendar = new Calendar(); if (gCalendar.dlgMain.show() == 1) { gCalendar.Make(); app.bringToFront(); } // set the kept preferences app.preferences.rulerUnits = uUnits; app.foregroundColor.rgb.hexValue = uForegroundColor; app.displayDialogs = uDialogMode; // cleaned from objects gCalendar = null; uDialogMode = null; uUnits = null; uForegroundColor = null; } catch(e) {}
После использования скрипта сохраняются последние шрифт, размер и т.д. в "%AppData%\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop ...\Adobe Photoshop ... Settings\script_params_calendar.txt"